We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international and canadian orders due to the high cost of postage. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international and canadian orders due to the high cost of postage. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
New & Recent Releases Intro to The Aurora Collection Some History - First Aurora
Enjoy AurorA © - Alaska's Great Northern Lights'
AurorA-Alaska's Great Northern Lights® (AKA: The AurorA Show) reflects 40 + years of
Alaska's finest and rarest auroral photography since 1981, captured across magnificent vistas.
AurorA plays in stunning High Definition BluRay® and has been
enjoyed by thousands of world travelers and local Alaskans alike.
AurorA Show® DVD’s & BluRay® Disks are always available here online!
AurorA Show® Rates & Location Info "Name This Photo" Contest
Welcome to
“Name This Photo” Contest!
Once a year, a rare image of aurora will be chosen for show and put on this website for receiving “Title Entries” from viewers worldwide. Each image shall have a basic story-line describing each scene to accompany it. Email submissions of prospective print titles for the “Name This Photo” Contest will be judged by an independent panel of judges for the final title selection. The winning entry will receive, free of charge, a signed first edition custom print of the photo. (Photos will be a 12”x 18” for standard image ratios {at 1:1.5} or an 8/10/12”x 30/32/36” for panorama ratios available.) Winning title, name of the winner and their country of origin will be noted on this page and on The Alaska Collection’s Blog.
Rules of submission:
Contest will run once every year, ending every December 31st for judging.
Judge’s selections of winning entries are final and not subject to change.
TWO submissions per person are allowed in any given contest time-frame...take advantage of that!
TWO submissions per person are allowed in every contest, regardless of a prior winning title.
Judge’s Hints: Keep your title submissions short (2-4 descriptive words), do not submit a ‘sentence’ as a title, keep in mind you are “naming” the image, make your titles “artistic” about the scene!
Submissions must be made by email only at: auroracollection@alaskan.com
Submissions must show: Title Name Submissions, name, age and appropriate mailing address.
Alaska Naturally, Inc. will never disperse, sell or trade the information submitted above to any entities.
Alaska Naturally, Inc. shall be allowed, without charge, to use winning entry title, in any way, in perpetuity.
Dave Parkhurst, the copyright holder of all photographs herein, maintains all rights to all images.
Winner shall receive their custom print, at no cost, within 2-4 weeks of final selection by judges.
Any additional prints ordered, of sizes available, will incur standard print, packaging and shipping charges.
All submitters agree to hold Alaska Naturally, Inc. and Dave Parkhurst harmless in any and all capacities which may arise.
Date Taken:
© January 15th, 1995
Image description…
Northwestern Chugach Mountains, Knik Valley, Southcentral Alaska, sub-zero temperatures,
previous nights of ice-fog causing hoar frost to cover all surfaces, stars of Orion, Pleiades, Hyades rising with the twin stars of Gemini above moon rise, windless night, rare, powerful & intense red auroral curtain.